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2011 June minutes
Council on Aging
Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:  Wednesday, June 15, 2011, 6:30 p.m.
Meeting Location:       Parks and Recreation Department, 5 Broad St.
Members Present:        Chairwoman Pat Donahue, Elaine Heredeen, Pamela Greaves, Dolores Nangle, Donna                          Clifford, Julie Carver, Joan Lovely (arrives at 6:49PM)
Members Absent:  Jane Sarnowski, Alice Williams
Others Present: Doug Bollen, Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services and Bill Woolley,     
                        Assistant Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Service           
Recorder:               Stacy Kilb
Also Present:
The meeting begins at 6:42PM.

A vote will be taken to waive the reading of (or read) and accept (or amend) the Minutes of
The previous meeting held on Wednesday, May 18, 2011.

A motion to waive the reading is made by EH, seconded by JC, and passes unanimously.

· Welcome new board member Julie Carver
Julie describes herself as a Salem resident of seven years who works in luxury retail in Boston. She was primary caregiver for her sister, who passed away, and she has been trying to volunteer more since.

· Discuss Annual meeting for September
Meetings are normally not held in July and August; the annual meeting will be Sept. 21st. If anything changes they will call an emergency meeting.

Officers will be elected for vice chair, secretary and treasurer at the Annual meeting. She would like 2 people to be on the nominating committee. They will meet later in the summer, before the end of August. EH and JC volunteer. Names will be presented at the Annual meeting. DN mentions that it was in the paper that the quilting club made a quilt which is being raffled off at the spaghetti dinner.

· Discuss Annual Appeal by the Friends of the Salem Council on Aging
Dennis Coleman said he did not have everyone’s address; the Chairwoman asks if everyone has received an envelope from the Friends and those who did not get one in the mail are handed one at the meeting. As Liaison, Chairwoman PD compliments the Friends on their organization and the fact that people must come before the COA to request funding.


· Budget – give update on status of proposed FY12 budget
The budget council meeting was last week; they have not yet voted but it got through committee as level-funded. They are anticipating cuts in the dollar figure per senior from $7 to $6.50 or $6.25 but senior count has gone up to make up for it. They must wait to find out the number of seniors in Salem, then for the state legislature to agree on a budget. Generally we get $50K from the legislature, which funds to positions at the Department.

· New Senior Center – update on status of new Community Life Building
JL discusses the Chapter 91 license that the developer is trying to obtain, since the lot is near the canal. She spoke to the mayor, who said it was a matter of this permit and did not see any issues, they must just go through the process. There isn’t much other news as the Committee has not met in a while. The Chairwoman comments on this; someone was at a meeting last month and said they are still waiting on the Chapter 91.  JL says that the Ch. 91 may be required for the developer to obtain financing, but she is not sure.

Bollen comments that the groundbreaking has been pushed back from spring to midsummer.

JL says that there is still a gap in funds for interior furnishings and they need a target number.

· Special events planned for Heritage week
The Senior Recognition Committee has disbanded, but three other events are planned. The Dinner Dance will be at the Moose and will save some money. The Committee raised a lot of funds that will not be there anymore. They will have the same band and a similar experience. There will be a BBQ August 9th at Winter Island, as always. It will be on a Tuesday, not a Sunday. It usually draws 100 people or so. There will also be an ice cream social on the Monday after. There used to be free Trolley rides and Brook House tea, which will not happen.

· Activities, - Update on Programs and Special events coming up
Bollen asks if anyone will do the Cancer walk this year. PG Rides the survivor trolley.
Bollen comments that the Friends were meeting re: spaghetti dinner next week. There will be a pizza party this Thursday night.
Programs are going very well with a Father’s Day luncheon coming up next week. There are 24 people working and 1 open slot for Tax abatement.
Traveling chefs come by monthly.
All parties had good attendance.

Bollen says they have been gearing up toward the new Senior Center, and that will continue to be the focus of collaboration with the Friends. They also funded the new safety Lifesaver program. He has not made any more requests but hopes they will help with the new facility.

Report from Social Services
Social Workers Lynne Barrett & Sharon Felton with Shelly Luckenbill (Protective Services NSES) did a 4 day training for Salem Firefighters.~ The NSREACT team felt that this training would help the firefighters communicate and collaborate with us.~ They were able to train and inform 82 firefighters on the 2 agencies roles and how we work together to ensure the overall safety and well being of the seniors living in Salem.~ The Salem Fire Department now knows how to refer seniors that are repeat 911 calls so the SCOA Social Service team can outreach to those at risk.~ They also know they can contact them with concerns of a person’s home being cold in the winter, extremely hot in the summer, medication bottles lying around, spoiled food and so on. It was interesting to see how many did not know the type of work we do with our seniors and we are now hearing from this department.~ They were aware of how to make a report to the Board of Health on code regulations and how to make a report of abuse to Protective Services.~ It was a very successful training and we are trying to do one in the future for the police department.

· Attendance Report - Transportation, Social Service & Nutrition attendance will be reported
2011 May Statistics
Attendance Report - Transportation, Social Service & Nutrition attendance will be reported

May 2010
May 2011
Joined Council on Aging
Social Services – Over 60
186 serviced 293 times
144 serviced  times 327
Social Services – Under 60
11 serviced 21 times
11 serviced  18  times
Meals – Congregate
Meals on Wheels

· Will the board meet in July and August?
No, not unless an emergency meeting is called.

· Update on Van radios – Bill Woolley
Radios have come in and are digital; they will, upon receipt of repeater and antenna, be legal and compliant with the new frequency on the upcoming narrow band FCC regulations that go into effect Jan. 1st, 2013, so they are well ahead. Woolley tells again the story of how the equipment was removed without notice, then had to be updated and replaced. New radios were $4000, with another $2500 for installation, paid for by a state grant. There will be a lot of demand for new narrow band frequencies and equipment upgrades, so there may be shortages, so it is good that Salem got it done now. It took Salem a year and a half to get it done, and that was before the disaster in Japan interrupted production. Chairwoman PD asks if there is a fee; there is a license fee for 10 years, but nothing else, with the FCC.

We are also looking into $1500 for software that would allow the dispatcher to track the vans on the computer, instead of radioing to ask if they are available to pick up patrons. It will be one time cost. The Council approves of this. It will also eliminate the problem of dead spots with the radios.

· Incident at 27 Charter Street
Domingo Alvarez was a COA board member, who left us earlier this year; he is a caregiver for his mother, and moved in to Charter St. assisted Housing. He has the liberty to post things on the bulletin board there, and he posted the Spanish version of the newsletter there. They cannot translate the whole thing, and it was just a shortened version, a double sided sheet. He posted the June Newsletter in Spanish there and someone defaced it, writing on the paper that English is the official language of the U.S., etc. They think it was a resident there.  

A discussion about previous generations and attitudes toward language are discussed. PD points out that it goes both ways, and that some people feel they have a right to speak their language and a certain arrogance about it. PG comments that the person they think who did it is generally disposed to verbally harassing others who do not speak English, not just Spanish speakers.  PG plans to speak to this person, who has also verbally denigrated her son. The Chairwoman asks if there are meetings to resolve these things; the new NorthShore services case worker there does have meetings and newsletters and will try to include this. JL comments that other incidents have happened regarding that bulletin board.

The Chairwoman comments that at least the Senior Center has provided opportunities for cultures to mix, such as with the fiestas, that make it harder to be intolerant due to personal interactions.

· Cuts in National Senior Network program
This used to be Operation Able, an employment program from seniors; there are three seniors on it, but it was just cut by 47%, although they will not eliminate any participants. They have, however, cut the hours from 20 hours per week to 12 hours per week. Participants work in the kitchen and main room, and unloading and doing food. PG comments that it will be a big loss for Gary; he will still volunteer his time, and all are well worth it, but it will not be fair to him. JL comments that senators and legislators should be contacted to tell them to support funding. Additionally, the City council just met last night with the budget analyst, who said we will be seeing a cut in federal dollars over the next few years; state dollars may remain, though. She is not surprised at these cuts and expects more.

4 TREASURER’S REPORT Update on budget and accounts
Bollen discusses transfers to pay for the radios and they also transferred money into the in-state travel to pay for gas for employees. They’re 96% spent by June 30th, the end of the fiscal year. There are also figures for donation accounts. Where figures are negative they are expecting a deposit. Leftover money goes into free cash for the City, but they usually spend most of it.

JL comments that finance meets twice next week and will vote next Thursday. There have been many cuts made, but not to this budget.  It is not certain whether they will be upheld by the full council.

None; only the previous call for the nominating committee as above.

Bollen reads aloud a letter he received from a woman thanking the COA for their assistance over the years.

EH comments that it was nice to have a speaker at the next meeting and it would be nice to have relevant speakers every now and then, going forward.

7. VISITOR COMMENTS – Opportunity for Visitors to speak

8. NEXT BOARD MEETING will be on Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A motion to adjourn is made by EH, seconded by PG, and passes unanimously.

The meeting ends at 7:36PM

Respectfully Submitted,
Stacy Kilb
Clerk, Salem Council on Aging